Thursday, February 23, 2012

Using JAXB for XML and JSON APIs in Scala Web Applications

In the past, I already mentioned several times the implementation of RESTful XML and JSON APIs in Scala web applications using JAXB, without going into details. In this blog post I want to shed more light on this approach together with some links to more advanced examples. A JAXB-based approach to web APIs can be useful if you want to support both XML and JSON representations but only want to maintain a single binding definition for both representations. I should also say that I'm still investigating this approach, so see the following as rather experimental.

First of all, JAXB is a Java standard for binding XML schemas to Java classes. It allows you to convert Java objects to XML documents, and vice versa, based on JAXB annotations on the corresponding Java classes. JAXB doesn't cover JSON but there are libraries that allow you to convert Java objects to JSON (and vice versa) based on the very same JAXB annotations that are used for defining XML bindings. One such library is Jersey's JSON library (jersey-json) which internally uses the Jackson library.

As you'll see in the following, JAXB can also be used together with immutable domain or resource models based on Scala case classes. There's no need to pollute them with getters and setters or Java collections from the java.util package. Necessary conversions from Scala collections or other type constructors (such as Option, for example) to Java types supported by JAXB can be defined externally to the annotated model (and reused). At the end of this blog post, I'll also show some examples how to develop JAXB-based XML and JSON APIs with the Play Framework.


In the following, I'll use a model that consists of the single case class Person(fullname: String, username: Option[String], age: Int). To define Person as root element in the XML schema, the following JAXB annotations should be added.

import javax.xml.bind.annotation._
@XmlRootElement(name = "person")
case class Person(fullname: String, username: Option[String], age: Int)
view raw jaxb-01.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

@XmlRootElement makes Person a root element in the XML schema and @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) instructs JAXB to access fields directly instead of using getters and setters. But before we can use the Person class with JAXB a few additional things need to be done.
  • A no-arg constructor or a static no-arg factory method must be provided, otherwise, JAXB doesn't know how to create Person instances. In our example we'll use a no-arg constructor.

  • A person's fullname should be mandatory in the corresponding XML schema. This can be achieved by placing an @XmlElement(required=true) annotation on the field corresponding to the fullname parameter.

  • A person's username should be an optional String in the corresponding XML schema i.e. the username element of the complex Person type should have an XML attribute minOccurs="0". Furthermore, it should be avoided that scala.Option appears as complex type in the XML schema. This can be achieved by providing a type adapter from Option[String] to String via the JAXB @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation.

We can implement the above requirements by defining and annotating the Person class as follows:

import javax.xml.bind.annotation._
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters._
type xmlElement = XmlElement @field
type xmlTypeAdapter = XmlJavaTypeAdapter @field
class StringOptionAdapter extends OptionAdapter[String](null, "")
class OptionAdapter[A](nones: A*) extends XmlAdapter[A, Option[A]] {
def marshal(v: Option[A]): A = v.getOrElse(nones(0))
def unmarshal(v: A) = if (nones contains v) None else Some(v)
@XmlRootElement(name = "person")
case class Person(
@xmlElement(required=true) fullname: String,
@xmlTypeAdapter(classOf[StringOptionAdapter]) username: Option[String],
age: Int) {
// only needed and accessed by JAXB
private def this() = this("", None, 0)
view raw jaxb-02.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Let's dissect the above code a bit:
  • The no-arg constructor on the Person class is only needed by JAXB and should therefore be declared private so that it cannot be accessed elsewhere in the application code (unless you're using reflection like JAXB does).

  • Placing JAXB annotations on fields of a case class is a bit tricky. When writing a case class, usually only case class parameters are defined but not fields directly. The Scala compiler then generates the corresponding fields in the resulting .class file. Annotations that are placed on case class parameters are not copied to their corresponding fields, by default. To instruct the Scala compiler to copy these annotations, the Scala @field annotation must be used in addition. This is done in the custom annotation type definitions xmlElement and xmlTypeAdapter. They can be used in the same way as their dependent annotation types XmlElement and XmlJavaTypeAdapter, respectively. Placing the custom @xmlElement annotation on the fullname parameter will cause the Scala compiler to copy the dependent @XmlElement annotation (a JAXB annotation) to the generated fullname field where it can be finally processed by JAXB.

  • To convert between Option[String] (on Scala side) and String (used by JAXB on XML schema side) we implement a JAXB type adapter (interface XmlAdapter). The above example defines a generic OptionAdapter (that can also be reused elsewhere) and a concrete StringOptionAdapter used for the optional username parameter. Please note that annotating the username parameter with @xmlTypeAdapter(classOf[OptionAdapter[String]]) is not sufficient because JAXB will not be able to infer String as the target type (JAXB uses reflection) and will use Object instead (resulting in an XML anyType in the corresponding XML schema). Type adapters can also be used to convert between Scala and Java collection types. Since JAXB can only handle Java collection types you'll need to use type adapters should you want to use Scala collection types in your case classes (and you really should). You can find an example here.

We're now ready to use the Person class to generate an XML schema and to convert Person objects to and from XML or JSON. Please note that the following code examples require JAXB version 2.2.4u2 or higher, otherwise the OptionAdapter won't work properly. The reason is JAXB issue 415. Either use JDK 7u4 or higher which already includes this version or install the required JAXB version manually. The following will write an XML schema, generated from the Person class, to stdout:

import javax.xml.bind._
val context = JAXBContext.newInstance(classOf[Person])
context.generateSchema(new SchemaOutputResolver {
def createOutput(namespaceUri: String, suggestedFileName: String) = {
val res = new StreamResult(System.out)
view raw jaxb-03.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The result is:

<xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:element name="person" type="person"/>
<xs:complexType name="person">
<xs:element name="fullname" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="username" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="age" type="xs:int"/>
view raw jaxb-04.xsd hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Marshalling a Person object to XML can be done with

context.createMarshaller.marshal(Person("Martin Krasser", Some("krasserm"), 30 /* haha */), System.out)
view raw jaxb-05.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

which prints

<fullname>Martin Krasser</fullname>
view raw jaxb-06.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Unmarshalling creates a Person object from XML.

val personXml1 = "<person><fullname>Martin Krasser</fullname><age>30</age></person>"
val personXml2 = "<person><fullname>Martin Krasser</fullname><username>mrt1nz</username><age>30</age></person>"
assert(context.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new StringReader(personXml1)) ==
Person("Martin Krasser", None, 30))
assert(context.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new StringReader(personXml2)) ==
Person("Martin Krasser", Some("mrt1nz"), 30))
view raw jaxb-07.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

We have implemented StringOptionAdapter in a way that an empty <username/> element or <username></username> in personXml1 would also yield None on Scala side. Creating JSON from Person objects can be done with the JSONJAXBContext from Jersey's JSON library.

import com.sun.jersey.api.json._
val config = JSONConfiguration.natural().rootUnwrapping(false).build()
val context = new JSONJAXBContext(config, classOf[Person])
context.createJSONMarshaller().marshallToJSON(person, System.out)
view raw jaxb-08.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

which prints the following to stdout:

{"person":{"fullname":"Martin Krasser","username":"krasserm","age":30}}
view raw jaxb-09.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Unmarshalling can be done with the context.createJSONUnmarshaller.unmarshalFromJSON method. The JSONConfiguration object provides a number of configuration options that determine how JSON is rendered and parsed. Refer to the official documentation for details.

Play and JAXB

This section shows some examples how to develop JAXB-based XML and JSON APIs with the Play Framework 2.0. It is based on JAXB-specific body parsers and type class instances defined in trait JaxbSupport which is part of the event-sourcing example application (Play-specific work is currently done on the play branch). You can reuse this trait in other applications as is, there are no dependencies to the rest of the project (update: except to SysError). To enable JAXB-based XML and JSON processing for a Play web application, add JaxbSupport to a controller object as follows:

object Application extends Controller with JaxbSupport {
val paths: String = // colon-separated list of packages containing JAXB-annotated classes ...
val config: JSONConfiguration = // ...
// can be used for JAXB-based JSON and XML processing
implicit val context = new JSONJAXBContext(config, paths)
view raw play-01.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

An implicit JSONJAXBContext must be in scope for both XML and JSON processing. For XML processing alone, it is sufficient to have an implicit JAXBContext.

XML and JSON Parsing

JaxbSupport provides Play-specific body parsers that convert XML or JSON request body to instances of JAXB-annotated classes. The following action uses a JAXB body parser that expect an XML body and tries to convert it to a Person instance (using a JAXB unmarshaller).

def postPersonXml = Action(jaxb.parse.xml[Person]) { request =>
val person: Person = request.body
// ...
view raw play-02.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

If the unmarshalling fails or the request Content-Type is other than text/xml or application/xml, a 400 status code (bad request) is returned. Converting a JSON body to a Person instance can be done with the jaxb.parse.json body parser.

def postPersonJson = Action(jaxb.parse.json[Person]) { request =>
val person: Person = request.body
// ...
view raw play-03.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

If the body parser should be chosen at runtime depending on the Content-Type header, use the dynamic jaxb.parse body parser. The following action is able to process both XML and JSON bodies and convert them to a Person instance.

def postPerson = Action(jaxb.parse[Person]) { request =>
val person: Person = request.body
// ...
view raw play-04.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

JaxbSupport also implements the following related body parsers
  • jaxb.parse.xml(maxLength: Int) and jaxb.parse.json(maxLength: Int)

  • jaxb.parse(maxLength: Int) and jaxb.parse(maxLength: Int)

  • jaxb.parse.tolerantXml and jaxb.parse.tolerantJson

  • jaxb.parse.tolerantXml(maxLength: Int) and jaxb.parse.tolerantJson(maxLength: Int)

XML and JSON Rendering

For rendering XML and JSON, JaxbSupport provides the wrapper classes JaxbXml, JaxbJson and Jaxb. The following action renders an XML response from a Person object (using a JAXB marshaller):

def getPersonXml = Action {
val person: Person = ...
view raw play-05.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub


def getPersonJson = Action {
val person: Person = ...
view raw play-06.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

renders a JSON response from a Person object. If you want to do content negotiation based on the Accept request header, use the Jaxb wrapper.

def getPerson = Action { implicit request =>
val person: Person = ...
Ok(Jaxb(person)) // content negotiation
view raw play-07.scala hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Jaxb requires an implicit request in context for obtaining the Accept request header. If the Accept MIME type is application/xml or text/xml an XML representation is returned, if it is application/json a JSON representation is returned. Further JaxbSupport application examples can be found here.


  1. Thanks for the article.

    What do you think of Jerkson? It's a wrapper around Jackson, and then I've also made a pull request to use default parameters if no equivalent is provided in the JSON:

    1. I've never used Jerkson, so I cannot make a comparison. However, if I only wanted to build a JSON API for a Scala web app, I'd probably follow a Jerkson-based approach first or use Play's JSON support on top of Jerkson before following a JAXB-based approach. I gave the JAXB-based approach a try because I wanted to explore if it's possible to generate XML and JSON APIs from a single binding definition (JAXB annotations). I'm still experimenting ...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The move to play 2 is looking great!!!

    FYI to download the play version>>>>> git clone --branch play

  3. > You can reuse this trait in other applications as is, there are no dependencies to the rest of the project.

    Just want to comment that there is a dependency on Syserror, which is just....

    @XmlRootElement(name = "sys-error")
    case class SysError(message: String) {
    def this() = this(null)

    object SysError {
    val NotFound = SysError("Not Found")

  4. Hi Martin,
    Thanks for this great post and the accompanying github repo. They were literally the only resources on JAXB in Scala that I could find and I wouldn't have got anywhere in my experimentations without them.

    I ran into a few corner cases around Options and Lists and decided to blog about them.

    I hope that's okay!
